Why are we leaving Vietnam?

In response to questions about our last newsletter, we are sending a brief addendum to explain why we're heading back to America.

We knew, when we returned to Vietnam in January, that we would be unable to stay long- term because of Daniel's health needs. Seeing God so powerfully at work in Vietnam this year has reaffirmed our hearts' call to minister to the Asian people. By God's faithfulness, we can continue to be vitally involved in Asian outreach through YWAM Montana, which focuses a majority of their resources and ministry efforts to overseas outreach in Asia. This new role will involve some travel back and forth, but will allow us to live in the U.S., which is critically necessary for Daniel's health. Daniel also hopes to enlist more helpers to continue expanding his Vietnamese translation ministry.

Because of increasing expenses in the growth of our translation work, plus being based in the U.S. where the cost of living is much higher than Asia, and because our family has grown 4-fold since I (Cassandra) last concentrated on raising monthly support as a single adult, it is now necessary to focus some time on fundraising in order to continue working as missionaries.

We will give more details in our next newsletter, but wanted to send this brief explanation now. We appreciate your prayers as we step forward in faith.

Daniel, Cassandra, Lydia & Avigail
HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!
Cassandra's Email:  gsprincess88@yahoo.com
Daniel's Email:          thienandoanta@yahoo.com
Website:                    www.mcii.org/ywam